Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Prep Families, Faculty, and Students Donate Over 1,000 Pounds of Food in October to the Hurtado Food Pantry

Preppers move food out of the pantry to deliver, 5 November 2014

Oftentimes charities face "diminishing returns" with each campaign, and contributions fall after initial excitement fades.

Oftentimes sports teams play "sandwich matches" between two important games - an emotional game and an upcoming, important game - and they often lose or under-perform.

This is perhaps what you would think would happen to the Hurtado Food pantry in October, on the heels of an extremely generous September (when homerooms donated 1,000 pounds of food, and freshman donated 417 pounds during their retreat).  Considering that the Prep is now participating in their historic Thanksgiving Food Drive, one would think that October would be a wash so to speak, but the Prep said "You should know me better than that!"

Our homeroom drive in October brought us 586 pounds of food, not including 41 pounds of candy, which was distributed on the day before Halloween to classroom tick-or-treaters from the Gesu school.

The parents of the Prep Football team collected 96 pounds of canned goods during Father Judge game (thanks to especially to Patricia Grey).

The Prep Mother's Club (thanks especially to Patty Mulvey) - who have long been great supporters of the food pantry - donated 283 pounds of food for St. Peter's (at 5th and Girard).

On 5 November 2014, a group of students delivered 556 pounds of food to the Mander Recreation facility at 33rd and Diamond; and 379 pounds of food to St. Peter's.

Check out the statistics here: https://docs.google.com/a/sjprephawks.org/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Arl-Q2b_qa5TdEpXbW1Pd2ZxMEc5TlhRajczZnNVWVE&usp=drive_web#gid=4

And a map of our deliveries here: https://mapsengine.google.com/map/u/0/edit?mid=zDbHrxuV56K0.kyTVBPwBgG-s